Research Focus & Application Domains

Fundamental Research Focus

In terms of research, the lab aims at contributing to the design and development of both blockchain technologies and blockchain enabled applications. The main focus is on researching and enhancing the fundamental challenges of digital infrastructure, data exchange platforms, digital marketplaces and digital applications.

Particular areas of focus may originally be related to digital trust, digital identities, cybersecurity, data provenance, and data governance as well as smart contracts.

Application Domains

Blockchain can potentially be used in a broad range of application domains. The Blockchain Lab will address opportunities which can lead to societal benefits in Norway and bolster the competitiveness of the Norwegian industry. Some of the domains include:

  • Critical digital infrastructure
  • Infrastructure for Smart Cities and Smart Nation
  • Cryptocurrency and decentralized finance
  • Smart energy and energy trading
  • Contract management
  • eHealth
  • Global trade & supply chain
  • Sustainability

Additionally, many of the above advances of the blockchain technology are synergetic with Internet of Things, Multi-Cloud, Next-generation Internet connectivity, as well as AI research and technologies.